Water rarely below 7°C, wetsuit advised although on very hot days it is not necessary. Season good April to October. There is excellent surf most of the year. Rarely gets very cold, maximum temperature of air is around 23°C. Can rain a lot in winter. Average water temperature of 10°C.
wind for kitesurfing is
wind coming
WSW and W
There is
Frontal wind
at Longniddry, Scotland (UK).
Best in a WSW to W wind. The wind at Longniddry is often a lot stronger than any where else in East Lothian.
Wind and Weather Conditions
Wind and Weather Conditions
Water rarely below 7°C, wetsuit advised although on very hot days it is not necessary. Season good April to October. There is excellent surf most of the year. Rarely gets very cold, maximum temperature of air is around 23°C. Can rain a lot in winter. Average water temperature of 10°C.
wind for kitesurfing is
wind coming
WSW and W
There is
Frontal wind
at Longniddry, Scotland (UK).
Best in a WSW to W wind. The wind at Longniddry is often a lot stronger than any where else in East Lothian.
Beach and Tide Conditions
Longniddry, Scotland (UK) is a
Shallow, Flat, Chop and Small waves spot.
Sandy beach.
Flat to choppy water. Shallow access. Best on a deep tide with WSW to W wind, no actual surf to speak of but most enjoyable small waves. There is also a huge flats area in next door Gosford Bay.
Beach and Tide Conditions
Beach and Tide Conditions
Longniddry, Scotland (UK) is a
Shallow, Flat, Chop and Small waves spot.
Sandy beach.
Flat to choppy water. Shallow access. Best on a deep tide with WSW to W wind, no actual surf to speak of but most enjoyable small waves. There is also a huge flats area in next door Gosford Bay.