Punta Pellaro, Italy is a Flat, Chop and Small waves spot. It is a kitesurfing spot for riders of Any Level.
wind for kitesurfing is
wind coming
N, NNE, W, WNW, NW and NNW
Kitesurfing conditions
do not depend on Tide
on this spot.
There is
available on the spot.
Have fun after the ride: enjoy
close to Punta Pellaro, Italy !
Safety first! There is
on the spot.
Punta Pellaro, Italy is a Flat, Chop and Small waves spot. It is a kitesurfing spot for riders of Any Level.
wind for kitesurfing is
wind coming
N, NNE, W, WNW, NW and NNW
Kitesurfing conditions
do not depend on Tide
on this spot.
There is
available on the spot.
Have fun after the ride: enjoy
close to Punta Pellaro, Italy !
Safety first! There is
on the spot.
How to get there
Fly to Reggio Calabria airport (REG) in Southern Italy, Calabria. The spot is 7-8 km south of the airport. Follow the SS106 southbound to Taranto. You will find 2 traffic lights: first is called 'Pellaro'; second is called 'Pellaro' again. Turn right at this second traffic light. At the end of the road turn left and then keep the right following the beach. By car from the North via Milano, Roma, Salerno to the end of A3 to Reggio Calabria. After exit called 'Porto' follow the direction to 'Taranto'. Pass the airport sign and follow the direction you find in the previous paragraph. By train: Arrive at Reggio Calabria Centrale and the take the train to Pellaro (10mins far). Pellaro rail station is 800m north of the spot.
Fly to Reggio Calabria airport (REG) in Southern Italy, Calabria. The spot is 7-8 km south of the airport. Follow the SS106 southbound to Taranto. You will find 2 traffic lights: first is called 'Pellaro'; second is called 'Pellaro' again. Turn right at this second traffic light. At the end of the road turn left and then keep the right following the beach. By car from the North via Milano, Roma, Salerno to the end of A3 to Reggio Calabria. After exit called 'Porto' follow the direction to 'Taranto'. Pass the airport sign and follow the direction you find in the previous paragraph. By train: Arrive at Reggio Calabria Centrale and the take the train to Pellaro (10mins far). Pellaro rail station is 800m north of the spot.
Summer hot, almost no rain, spring and autumn pretty warm, winter not too cold. Warm water in the summer (around 27°C) and not too cold in the winter (16-18°C).
wind for kitesurfing is
wind coming
N, NNE, W, WNW, NW and NNW
There is
Thermal wind
at Punta Pellaro, Italy.
Very good with North or Northwest wind. This local wind called 'Boria' is typical from May to September. Boria wind is a thermal wind and blows a around 18-25 knots (70% of the indicated period). South or Southeast wind sometimes good. Not recommended with OFF wind directions and with Scirocco (S/SSE) except for expert only and is the souther side of the spot.
from N, WNW, NW and NNW
on the spot.
best moments to come
to Punta Pellaro, Italy are
April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November
Wind and Weather Conditions
Wind and Weather Conditions
Summer hot, almost no rain, spring and autumn pretty warm, winter not too cold. Warm water in the summer (around 27°C) and not too cold in the winter (16-18°C).
wind for kitesurfing is
wind coming
N, NNE, W, WNW, NW and NNW
There is
Thermal wind
at Punta Pellaro, Italy.
Very good with North or Northwest wind. This local wind called 'Boria' is typical from May to September. Boria wind is a thermal wind and blows a around 18-25 knots (70% of the indicated period). South or Southeast wind sometimes good. Not recommended with OFF wind directions and with Scirocco (S/SSE) except for expert only and is the souther side of the spot.
from N, WNW, NW and NNW
on the spot.
best moments to come
to Punta Pellaro, Italy are
April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November
Beach and Tide Conditions
Kitesurfing conditions
do not depend on Tide
on this spot.
Punta Pellaro, Italy is a
Flat, Chop and Small waves spot.
launching/landing area
is reported to be of
Medium size.
Grey beach, rough grainy, like micro pebbles. Very easy to beat off the kite, don't stick too much. No shells, no sea urchins, no rocks, no concrete, no walls, buildings, etc. Large bay all sand, between 50-80 m wide, a lot of space to launch and land. Not very crowded beach during July and August, all other month quiet empty.
The water is not too choppy, sometimes 1.5 meter waves due to changing of the current. No shallow water, after 2-3 m you can't stand anymore.
Beach and Tide Conditions
Beach and Tide Conditions
Kitesurfing conditions
do not depend on Tide
on this spot.
Punta Pellaro, Italy is a
Flat, Chop and Small waves spot.
launching/landing area
is reported to be of
Medium size.
Grey beach, rough grainy, like micro pebbles. Very easy to beat off the kite, don't stick too much. No shells, no sea urchins, no rocks, no concrete, no walls, buildings, etc. Large bay all sand, between 50-80 m wide, a lot of space to launch and land. Not very crowded beach during July and August, all other month quiet empty.
The water is not too choppy, sometimes 1.5 meter waves due to changing of the current. No shallow water, after 2-3 m you can't stand anymore.
Need to know
There is
no beach users
reported here.
Please respect
local rules
when you are on the spot.
Talk to a local before you go on water.
Need to know
Need to know
There is
no beach users
reported here.
Please respect
local rules
when you are on the spot.
Talk to a local before you go on water.
Check the local coast guard rules. Be careful with the regular current if you stay far from the cost and if you kite in the souther location of the spot. In all cases the current is not so hard. If you use the kite center, read the common rules for using the kite area. There is a bay at north where the wind is almost sideonshore, ideal for learing with no current at all.
Webcams around Punta Pellaro, Italy
Webcams around Punta Pellaro, Italy
Weather Forecast for the next 10days
Wind and Temperature over the past years
Wind and Temperature over the past years
More about Kitesurfing in Reggio de Calabre
More about Reggio de Calabre
Wind stats in Reggio de Calabre...
Additional information
There are 4 kitesurf schools and 20 kitesurf spots in Reggio de Calabre.