Riding Conditions in Sardinia / Porto Botte North, Italy
Riding Conditions
Wind and Weather Conditions
Temperatures in summer are from 25-35°C. The lowest temperature in winter is 10°C.
wind for kitesurfing is
wind coming
SE and NW
There is
Thermal wind
at Sardinia / Porto Botte North, Italy.
Excellent wind all year round with Mistrale (NW) and Scirocco (SE). Never trust the forecast, since it can be 10 knots more than forecasted with a Mistrale.
from SE and NW
on the spot.
best moments to come
to Sardinia / Porto Botte North, Italy are
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December
Wind and Weather Conditions
Wind and Weather Conditions
Temperatures in summer are from 25-35°C. The lowest temperature in winter is 10°C.
wind for kitesurfing is
wind coming
SE and NW
There is
Thermal wind
at Sardinia / Porto Botte North, Italy.
Excellent wind all year round with Mistrale (NW) and Scirocco (SE). Never trust the forecast, since it can be 10 knots more than forecasted with a Mistrale.
from SE and NW
on the spot.
best moments to come
to Sardinia / Porto Botte North, Italy are
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December
Beach and Tide Conditions
Kitesurfing conditions
do not depend on Tide
on this spot.
Sardinia / Porto Botte North, Italy is a
Shallow, Flat and Chop spot.
launching/landing area
is reported to be of
Small size.
Narrow beach, but can hold many kites. During season sunchairs and a bar are available.
Big shallow area. Flat close to shore, further outside choppy. Very flat at the corner where the wind blows offshore. Hydrofoil riders can ride after about 150m from shore, since there is a shallow area in between.
Beach and Tide Conditions
Beach and Tide Conditions
Kitesurfing conditions
do not depend on Tide
on this spot.
Sardinia / Porto Botte North, Italy is a
Shallow, Flat and Chop spot.
launching/landing area
is reported to be of
Small size.
Narrow beach, but can hold many kites. During season sunchairs and a bar are available.
Big shallow area. Flat close to shore, further outside choppy. Very flat at the corner where the wind blows offshore. Hydrofoil riders can ride after about 150m from shore, since there is a shallow area in between.
Need to know
There is
no beach users
reported here.
When you are on water,
be careful
Beach risk reported:
There are
riding zones
on the spot, be sure you respect them.
Need to know
Need to know
There is
no beach users
reported here.
When you are on water,
be careful
Beach risk reported:
There are
riding zones
on the spot, be sure you respect them.